Swami Prakashanand Saraswati is known as a revered spiritual leader whose teachings focused on the profound path of divine love and devotion to Krishn. He emphasized the importance of surrender, faith, and living sincere devotional lives to attain Krishn’s grace and eternal divine bliss. His insights into the Bhagavad Gita reveal the hidden depths of devotion and the transformative power of pure love for God.
Below is a brief synopsis of a speech delivered by Shree Swami ji during an intensive meditation program at an ashram in Philadelphia. The speech is one of a series on the Bhagavad Gita.
As Swami Prakashanand Saraswati describes…
The Supreme personality of the Godhead has many powers. All His subordinate powers are also one with the Supreme power.
There are five kinds of blissful Divine relationships with Krishn: shant, like a subject to a king; dasya, to be in servitude of God; sakhya, fraternal relationship; vatsalya, maternal relationship and madhurya, gopibhao. These classifications are subtle. Every experience of Divine Bliss is perfect and unlimited.
Prabodhanand Saraswati, Roop Goswami and Sanatan Goswami, etc. have described the various stages of Divine-love in great detail. These classifications are not directly described in the Gita because Krishn spoke the Gita to Arjun, who knew Krishn of Dwarika.
Dwarikadhish form (i.e., Krishn of Dwarika) is a modest form of divine love. So, for that reason, the deeper philosophy, and the stages of Divine love are not mentioned in the Gita. But, it is secretly indicated in the verse “Gatirbharta…suhrit”. Krishn tells Arjun “Man mana bhav…” “Give your mind and your self to Me; be with Me, think of Me, and love Me”. This is where Krishn reveals what is actual devotion.
Arjun was not qualified to experience Gopi love, but the Gita does indicate the love of the Brajwasis. Krishn says “Ye yatha mam…” This verse explains that Krishn awards every kind of Divine attainment from liberation to the highest class of Divine-love. It is your choice as to what you experience in the Divine world, after God realization.
You have to surrender to Krishn, and when your heart is completely purified Krishn gives you whatever you want.
In the Gita He indicates that pure devotion (bhakti) is supreme but leaves the choice to you. But, if your mind is prejudiced you cannot do devotion. To be able to benefit from the teachings of the Gita, you must have faith. The philosophy of the Gita is for all the souls of the world who have faith. It is a universal teaching.
Krishn can assume any Divine form. His form, name, leelas, abode, virtues, and eternal associates are all one. During meditation, if you find it difficult to meditate on His regular form that holds a flute and wears a peacock feather diadem, you can meditate on His name or abode, and after some time Krishn love will itself develop in your heart and mind. You can also emulate the example of the love of great Saints like Roop Goswami, Sanatan Goswami, Hit Harivansh, Swami Haridas etc. They lived lives of perfect Krishn devotion as an example to all the devotees. Emulating them will purify your heart and qualify you to receive the Grace of Krishn and His Divine-love.
Conclusion Swami Prakashanand Saraswati highlighted that the Gita subtly hints at the path of divine love and devotion. Through surrender and living a life of loving devotion to Krishn, one can achieve the highest form of spiritual bliss.
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