Prakashanand Saraswati on Divine Love: The Soul’s True Desire – Part 1

Swami Prakashanand Saraswati, a revered spiritual master, illuminates the path of Divine love and devotion to Krishn. His teachings guide seekers beyond worldly illusions to experience true spiritual fulfillment. This discourse is presented in two parts, and this is Part 1.

According to Prakashanand Saraswati:

Unlike material love which is always fading, Divine love is ever-increasing. Suppose a person has seen Krishn and thinks, “Oh, He’s very beautiful. So loving. You can’t imagine.” The next time, “Oh, He’s much more beautiful.” The third instance, “I think this time He is the most no, no, no, now He is the most beautiful.” Every moment the Love goes on increasing. Pritikchanvardha-manam Naradji explains in the Narad Bhakti Sutra about this particular quality of Divine love every moment it multiplies. There is no limit. It goes on multiplying forever and forever. That is Divine love.

We are dissatisfied because we don’t get the maximum thing – first point. The second point is that whatever we get, next time it is reduced, so our dissatisfaction increases. But in Divine love, at the very first instance, you see the Divine form of God, you are completely consoled, completely in love. You become complete. And there is an increase in that complete stage. How? You can’t imagine. But it is there. Those who have experienced, they experienced, and even they cannot explain how it feels.

So, I have explained a little about Divine love. God is only the form of that kind of Divine love. And your soul is seeking only that perfection, not this material illusive pleasure. You are trying to play with the illusions.

Suppose you are hungry. What do you want to eat? Something nice. You went to the kitchen. In the refrigerator, there was a piece of bread which was fifteen days old, no butter, no jam, nothing. But you were hungry for 24 hours. Either eat or don’t eat. Nothing else. No alternative. What will you do? You will eat at least. But you are not wanting that thing. Then why you are eating when you don’t want that dry bread? Because you are hungry to the utmost. That’s why in an emergency you are eating it. But you don’t desire that particular bread, you want something good to eat.

Similarly, in an emergency, or when there’s nothing Godly around, you try to console your soul with these worldly pleasures. You are trying to console yourself in the absence of Godly happiness. But if you get God’s love, you will forget worldly things. Because God’s love is very high. But in that absence, you are trying to console yourself and get some feedback from worldly pleasures, enjoyments, and entertainment. You just keep your life going. You are trying to keep yourself happy. That is all. You are not happy in the true sense.

What is your soul longing for? What is that thing? It is only Divine love, God’s love. That is wanted by your soul. Unless your soul finds Divine love, you will never be satisfied. You will remain dissatisfied until you find that Love. So, in this way, God is Divine love, Divine love is God, and Divine love and God are both beyond material, psychic, and celestial phenomena. You cannot interpret Divine love in your local terms. Don’t be mistaken. Otherwise, you will be involved wrongly in the world thinking you are going to God. It is very important to understand that to receive Divine love you have to dedicate yourself to God.

Conclusion: Swami Prakashanand Saraswati emphasized that true fulfillment lies in attaining ever-increasing Divine love, which surpasses all worldly pleasures. Until the soul attains this love it remains restless, and searches in the world for material pleasures that never satisfy the soul’s longing for perfect, eternal happiness. Only through complete surrender to God can one experience eternal happiness. Stay connected for Part 2, where Swami Prakashanand Saraswati further reveals the depths of Divine love.