The Divine Vision of Radha Krishn by Swami Prakashananda Saraswati

H.D. Swami Prakashananda Saraswati, aka Swamiji, is a highly renowned Spiritual Master and the founder of the worldwide organization, the International Society of Divine Love (ISDL). ISDL published a book of immense importance on Bhartiya darshan and raganuga bhakti titled, “THE DIVINE VISION OF RADHA KRISHN.”

The Divine vision of Radha Krishn was a Divine gift from Shree Swamiji. It serves as a practical guide for all who sincerely desire to experience the loving bliss of Radha Krishn or any other form of God, as described in our scriptures. The book incorporated the philosophy and themes of more than 400 scriptures and provided a crystal-clear view of the devotional path. Some highlights:

  • This is the first and only book in the English language that reveals, in extensive detail, the true Divine form of Radha, Radha Krishn, Divine Vrindaban, and raganuga bhakti.
  • It resolves the apparent religious conflict between advaitvad and the vaishnav philosophies which had not been resolved for the last 2,000 years.
  • It reconciles the teachings and the philosophical differences of the previous fourJagadgurus and also the achintya bhedabhedvad.
  • It provides a detailed description of creation and the workings of the universe in such a scientific manner that may enlighten modern scientists and physicists to resolve their long-term quest of finding the first particle of the creation and to determine the exact model of the universe, which is still being speculated.
  • It explains the theory of the creation of this universe in full detail which was never before explained with such clarity.
  • It is a reference book that provides authentic information about all the aspects of soul, maya, brahm, creation, karm, gyan, yog, sanyas, bhakti, darshan shastras, the Divine abodes, bhakti tattva, bhagwat tattva, Krishn tattva, Radha tattva, and Vrindaban fattua.
  • It explains the exact divine status of kaivalya moksch and brahman and and the Divine secrets of the terms “ahambrahmasmi” and “tattvamasi,” which were never explained in a precise manner.
  • It explains the Divine status and the limit of the Divine approach of all the scriptures in conjunction with the Blissful superiority of the Divine abodes. This secret was never revealed in the last thousands of years in a systematic form. That’s why the conflicting descriptions appearing in our scriptures were never scientifically reconciled.
  • It has removed all the existing fallacies that prevailed for centuries and confused millions of simple-hearted devotees.
  • It describes, (a) the sat-chit-anand aspect of all the powers and forms of brahm, (b) the mono dualistic Divine oneness, and (c) the self-submissiveness of the Divine powers and forms of God to their superior Blissful existences.

In short, this is the only book in which the description and the science of various forms of God is made much clearer and more understandable as compared to the writings of the past.

The style of description, examples, and illustrations in this book are simply marvelous and are so unique that it fulfills the devotional quest of everyone, from a highly educated open-minded aspirant to a simple-hearted devotee of God who is longing to receive His love and vision.

In conclusion, The Divine Vision of Radha Krishn by Swami Prakashananda Saraswati offers a profound and comprehensive guide to understanding the true nature of Radha Krishn, bridging the gap between philosophical teachings and devotional practice. This remarkable book not only resolves what appear to be long-standing theological conflicts but also presents a clearer, more scientific understanding of the universe and the Divine. It is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking a deeper connection with the Divine and the path of Divine Love, or,raganuga bhakti.

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